so if you are, or have been, a pregnant woman, you know that there are some people out there who LOVE to feel a baby bump. Some are welcome pats (like when my mom talks to the babylove up close) and some are super creepy (like the time a random man touched my stomach in a Michaels WITHOUT ASKING FIRST and I had to say something snotty about not rubbing his bald head for luck). Whatever the case, when you have a protuberance housing another being, people just want to get up close and personal with it.
It has been an amusement to be pregnant in a very close Christian community this time around. (I put the specifier "Christian" on there because it's widely known that we, as a people, are big on the procreation thing and so babies (and their housing, let's not kid ourselves, I know where I stand) are held in high regard.) I have many dear friends who are so looking forward to meeting the newest addition of our family that they want to get to know him right now. And so I spend a lot of time with my college girls like this:
and joyful is the girl who gets to feel the kicks and flips of the kiddo. Oh there are shrieks of delight and love! It is hilarious and sweet. It's even better when the boys get to feel him moving around, they are in awe of the process and love asking how I am doing and if the baby is coming soon. It makes the whole thing just a love festival and distracts me from being uncomfortable most of the time.
To sum up: I wish everyone had such a large crew of folks excited to feel those alien movements, because it makes everything hard a little bit easier.
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