Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Link Distractions...

the Where the hell did you get to? edition

Oh me oh my, I have been resting my typing fingers because this month I am going to attempt NaBloPoMo AND NaNoWriMo....because I have lost my ever loving mind. If you have no interest in my endeavors perhaps you would be more interested in this stuff?

Just in time for said endeavors (via Not Martha)

Yeah, this is going to be made and perfected in time for Thanksgiving because holy yum.

Lovely thoughts on being one of the many women (like me!) who don't all that much enjoy being pregnant...but who love their babies anyway.

SO. AWESOME. (via my friend Sam)

This is the best piece of trivia ever.

1001 books you must read before you die. Agree or disagree?

Lovely baby shower, wedding shower, or just every day present

I am making a version of this for the boys room before internal son arrives

Fabulously interesting blog

It's like the creators of this website are friends with me on Facebook and Twitter...

Want, want, want.

Also lots from here

Fascinating question. Several people point the asker tothe fabulous, "Lies My Teacher Told Me"

Still cranky? Here's a picture of our fierce Halloween lion.


Marily said...

Thanks A TON for "I Can't Find My Phone." That website and I will be BFFs! My husband and I only have cell phones--when he's gone for the day and I lose my phone it's completely frustrating.

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