me, June 2010, contemplating recipes in my friend Mel's gourmet kitchen
(adapted from Deb over at Smitten Kitchen)
4 medium sized apples, any type (I used granny smith and gala) peeled, cored and quartered (or if you're using what how have leftover from making apple tarts, cut into wee pieces)
the juice of one small rather limp lemon
coupla shakes of cinnamon, maybe a wee bit of nutmeg? go crazy.
coupla sprinkles of sugar (brown sugar always tastes lovely with the granny smith, just sayin')
1 cup and a little bit of water.
dump the whole mess in a pot. bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce your heat to a simmer and let the delicious fall smells permeate your house for about 30 minutes. Mash the apple mush up and serve hot with a little bit of cream. Or package it up and serve it cold for snacks.
Feel virtuous because YOUR 3 year old isn't eating all that sugar in pre-packaged store bought applesauce. Snort at yourself as he plays with his cars he got from a McDonalds run yesterday.
Welcome Fall!
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