photo taken by my beautiful sister-in-law, Julie...Luke, Meg, and Colin, Austin, TX, November 2009
I discovered this mama-to-be's gorgeous blog through her most recent post: a beautiful baby announcement!
Dear Bluebird Vintage Household - you guys are so stinkin' stylish and awesome! I need to get some fashion tips!
In an ongoing effort to do my hair new and interesting ways I am learning how to make this braid...she's got lots of fabulous hair tutorial videos!
These are just so lovely!
I know a lot of babywearing mama's prefer a ring sling but I love a wrap (and given a choice prefer them!), and these are simple and pretty
Maybe I'll whip these up one morning...maybe.
Is there anything Filth Wizardry CAN'T DO? so cute!
I think that these boots are the perfect option for my winter wardrobe. But can I get them already broken in?
Also on my list for my winter wardrobe? One of these, this amazingly cute skirt, and possibly this FABULOUS jacket...in coal if you please.
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