Weeks along in the pregnancy: 29
Age of 1st child: 3 years, 7 months feels like however old a tornado or an earthquake is.
Age of mama: 28, feels like 115
Number of naps 1st child takes daily: 1 if I'm lucky
Number of naps I need to take daily: 7
Number of movies my kid has watched while I dozed on the couch next to him because being on my feet for longer than 10 minutes totally exhausts me: way to many to count
Attempts at potty training we are on: 3 (and surprisingly, I am not tearing my hair out)
My guess at the number of weeks I have left to tie my shoes by myself: 2
Number of creative contortions I have to employ to fall asleep at night: at least 5
Amounts of amusement I derive from the countless configurations our family takes as we share our giant bed (contents include, one very pregnant lady, one 3 and a half year old, one long suffering husband): massive
Ounces of water I drink daily to stave of Braxton Hicks: at least 70
Number of joints in my body that are incredibly painful at any moment of the day: at least 6
Weeks that have felt interminably long despite the arrival of my beloved cold weather: the last 3
The amount of irritation I feel at myself for ceaselessly bitching about being pregnant: infinite
Plans for Thanksgiving that involve Texas: 0 (tear.)
Plans for Thanksgiving that include anything: 0 (thank goodness)
Pies baked in the last month: 4
Pies I am planning on baking in the next month: 6
Cures for non-stop itching attempted: 10
Cures for non-stop itching that proved totally successful: 0
Number of pants I own that still fit me: 0
Number of pants that I borrowed that still fit me: 2/4
Degrees outside: a gorgeous 60
Price I am going to pay for a kids haircut today: $5 (yay!)
Number of weddings my husband will work in November and December: 8 (who knew that winter was such a popular wedding time in AZ?)
Number of weddings I will be at with my husband in November and December: 1
Number of amazing friends and family who have offered to watch Colin and give us date nights, naps, or adventures before the babylove comes along: Innumerable
Thing I have to be grateful for: COUNTLESS...
so now you're all caught up.